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Adoption and Psychological Development

Writer: dr.ssa Elizabeth Mooredr.ssa Elizabeth Moore

Una coppia felice, composta da un uomo e una donna, guarda con affetto un neonato che l'uomo solleva in aria. Sullo sfondo, gli alberi verdi evocano un senso di natura e serenità, simbolizzando l'amore e l'unità familiare

Adoption is a complex journey with the profound power to shape an individual’s psychological development and identity. Creating a supportive psychological environment is essential for adoptees, helping them understand and embrace their history, roots, and uniqueness. A healthy, welcoming family context—characterized by transparency, respect, and continuous support—can significantly impact emotional growth and foster a balanced, aware evolution of adoptive identity.

Creating a Supportive Psychological Environment

Adoption is a unique and multifaceted process that deeply influences an individual’s identity development. Establishing a nurturing psychological environment is crucial for building a strong identity in adoptees.

Key Psychological Practices:

  1. Transparency and Honesty: Open and honest communication about adoption from a young age helps build trust. It allows adoptees to understand their story and address feelings about identity and belonging.

  2. Respect for Diversity: Celebrating diversity in adoptive families is vital. Valuing cultural, ethnic, and background differences strengthens individual identity.

  3. Connection with the Adoptive Community: Encouraging connections with other adoptees fosters a sense of belonging. Support groups and online communities provide safe spaces to share experiences and navigate common challenges.

  4. Exploration of Origins: Supporting the exploration of biological origins without judgment is crucial. This may include discovering cultural and genetic roots, offering deeper self-understanding.

  5. Promoting Self-Esteem: Encouraging self-esteem and self-acceptance helps adoptees recognize their talents, achievements, and unique qualities, reinforcing identity.

  6. Family Involvement: Actively involving adoptive families in the identity development process is essential. Open communication and unconditional acceptance create a supportive environment.

  7. Education about Adoption: Raising awareness and understanding of adoption in society reduces stigmatization risks. A culturally informed environment promotes better social integration.

By embracing transparency, diversity, continuous support, and community connections, a foundation is laid for adoptees to develop a resilient identity.

Identity and Belonging

Developing identity can be a complex process for adoptees.

Addressing the Question, Who Am I?

For adoptees, discovering their identity is often a multifaceted journey. Embracing their history and roots while fostering awareness of diversity is integral to shaping their adoptive identity.

The Role of Family Narratives

Creating positive and inclusive family narratives supports identity formation. Sharing family stories helps build a resilient adoptive identity.

Navigating Intercultural and Multiethnic Dynamics

Adoptees raised in culturally diverse settings benefit from practical strategies to balance dual cultures, promoting a harmonious sense of belonging and a balanced identity.

Accepting and Navigating Emotions

Acknowledging and managing complex emotions related to adoption is vital. Addressing feelings such as curiosity, sadness, or anger paves the way for positive emotional growth.

Connecting with Cultural Roots

Adoptees can explore and connect with their cultural roots in various ways, even in adulthood:

  1. Language: Learning the language of their country of origin enhances cultural understanding.

  2. Music and Dance: Exploring traditional music and dance provides emotional and cultural experiences.

  3. Art and Crafts: Discovering traditional art and crafts offers insight into creativity and cultural history.

  4. History and Traditions: Delving into the country’s history and traditions deepens cultural appreciation.

  5. Travel: Visiting the country of origin creates direct opportunities to explore culture, meet people, and form meaningful connections.

  6. Genealogical Research: Investigating family history provides valuable insights into origins and heritage.

  7. Cuisine and Local Foods: Exploring traditional culinary arts can evoke memories and deepen cultural ties.

Each person should choose approaches that best suit their preferences and circumstances.

Addressing External Curiosity: Psychological Implications

Dealing with intrusive questions or insensitive comments can have significant psychological implications for adoptees:

  • Identity Challenges: Questions about biological origins can trigger introspection about identity and belonging.

  • Emotional Vulnerability: Constant exposure to curiosity may lead to feelings of anxiety or emotional stress.

  • Impact on Intimacy: Adoptees may hesitate to share personal details, fearing further inquisitions.

  • Self-Esteem Issues: External judgments may affect confidence and self-perception.

  • Social Stigma and Isolation: Frequent questions can create a sense of being different or marginalized.

Developing adaptive coping strategies and relying on strong social support are crucial to navigating these challenges.

Psychological Tools for Navigating Adoption

Psychology offers a range of tools to address the complexities of adoption:

  • Attachment Therapy: Helps adoptees understand and navigate relational dynamics, fostering secure bonds and emotional growth.

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Focuses on identifying and modifying negative thought patterns related to identity, promoting healthier coping mechanisms.

  • Family Therapy: Engages families to enhance understanding of adoption dynamics and improve emotional communication.

  • Creative Expression: Art or writing offers channels to process complex emotions that may be difficult to articulate.

  • Support Groups: Sharing experiences in groups fosters understanding and acceptance among peers.

  • Narrative Building: Creating personal narratives with mental health professionals helps integrate emotions into identity development.

By integrating these tools, adoptees can navigate emotional complexities and foster sustainable emotional growth.


Creating a supportive psychological environment for adoptees requires awareness, targeted strategies, and consistent effort. Promoting adoption understanding, addressing identity-related emotions, and providing robust support are essential steps in fostering the development of healthy, well-rounded adoptees.

 Written by

Dr Elizabeth Moore, Psychologist

(consultation only in Italian)


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Consultations are available in Italian only



- Serena Antonelli, L'Adozione, Raffaello Cortina Editore, 2016

- Enrica Bonini, Adottare: L'amore più grande, Sperling & Kupfer Ed., 2019

- Gianfranco Amodeo, Adozione: Un percorso d'amore, Il Punto d'Incontro Ed., 2017

- Franca De Micco, Tra noi e voi. La vita nelle adozioni internazionali, Franco Angeli Ed., 2013

External resources

If you wish to explore the topic of psychological manipulation further and find relevant articles and studies, consider these important academic and institutional resour

  1. The National Adoption CenterFornisce informazioni su come l'adozione influisce sullo sviluppo psicologico dei bambini e delle famiglie.Link: National Adoption Center

  2. American Psychological AssociationEsplora l'impatto psicologico dell'adozione e offre risorse per le famiglie.Link: American Psychological Association

  3. Child Welfare Information GatewayRaccoglie risorse e articoli sulla ricerca e le migliori pratiche nell'adozione.Link: Child Welfare Information Gateway

  4. The Journal of Child Psychology and PsychiatryPubblica studi sui temi dello sviluppo infantile, incluso l'impatto dell'adozione.Link: Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry

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