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Aggressiveness in Adults: Origins, Theories, and Management Strategies

Writer: dr.ssa Elizabeth Mooredr.ssa Elizabeth Moore

Un'immagine potente che mostra il pugno chiuso di un uomo, simboleggiando l'aggressività e la tensione emotiva

What Aggressiveness Is and How It Manifests in Adults

Aggressiveness in adults manifests through behaviors intended to harm others, either physically or psychologically. These behaviors range from verbal outbursts to physical violence and often lead to significant challenges in interpersonal relationships and the quality of life for both the aggressive person and those around them.

Origins of Aggressiveness

The roots of aggressiveness often trace back to childhood and adolescence. Family environment, upbringing, and life experiences play a crucial role. Children raised in violent environments or where aggressiveness is normalized may develop similar patterns. Childhood trauma, such as physical or emotional abuse, can also predispose individuals to aggressive behaviors in adulthood.

Psychological Theories

  1. Social Learning Theory (Bandura):Albert Bandura argued that aggressiveness is learned through observing and imitating behavioral models, especially when such behaviors are perceived as effective or rewarding.

  2. Frustration-Aggression Theory (Dollard and Miller):This theory suggests that aggressiveness results directly from frustration. When individuals are hindered from achieving a goal, they may respond with aggressive behaviors.

  3. Instinct Theory (Lorenz):Konrad Lorenz proposed that aggressiveness is an innate instinct, similar to other survival instincts, and that this instinct can be triggered by certain environmental factors.

Factors Influencing Aggressiveness

  • Stress: High stress levels can make a person more prone to aggressive responses.

  • Mental Health Issues: Conditions such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and borderline personality disorder are often linked to aggressive behaviors.

  • Social Environment: People living in areas with high violence or crime rates may develop aggressiveness as an adaptive mechanism.

  • Alcohol and Drugs:

    Substance use can increase aggressiveness. Drugs like amphetamines and cocaine may exacerbate aggressive behaviors, while alcohol influences aggressiveness by reducing inhibitions and increasing impulsivity.

Psychological Therapies

  1. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT):CBT is highly effective in addressing aggressiveness. It helps individuals recognize and modify distorted thoughts that lead to aggressive behaviors and teaches stress management strategies.

  2. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT):DBT is particularly beneficial for individuals with emotional regulation issues. It combines CBT techniques with relaxation and mindfulness strategies to manage intense emotions without resorting to aggressiveness.

Anger Management Techniques

  1. Relaxation Techniques:Methods like deep breathing, meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation can help reduce stress and prevent outbursts.

  2. Problem Solving:Teaching problem-solving skills helps individuals find non-aggressive solutions. For example, in a workplace conflict, an individual can identify the root cause, generate options like redistributing work, and communicate effectively to resolve the issue.

  3. Assertive Communication:Learning to express needs and feelings assertively, rather than aggressively, can improve relationships and reduce conflicts. This involves using “I” statements, staying calm, and listening actively.

  4. Time Management:Poor time management can lead to stress, which may trigger aggressive behaviors. Effective planning and organizing daily activities can mitigate stress.


Aggressiveness in adults is a complex phenomenon rooted in childhood experiences and the social environment. It is influenced by various factors, including trauma, stress, mental health issues, and substance use. Fortunately, there are numerous effective strategies to manage and reduce aggressiveness, from psychological therapies to relaxation techniques and stress management. Early and appropriate intervention can significantly improve the quality of life for aggressive individuals and those around them.

 Written by

Dr Elizabeth Moore, Psychologist

(consultation only in Italian)


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  • A. Bandura, Aggressività. Un’analisi socio-cognitiva, 2013, Cortina Raffaello

  • D. Goleman, Intelligenza emotiva, 1996, BUR

  • E. T. Higgins, Psicologia sociale cognitiva, 2000, Il Mulino

  • A. Alberti, Rabbia e aggressività. Conoscerle e affrontarle, 2014, Franco Angeli

External resources

If you wish to explore the topic of psychological manipulation further and find relevant articles and studies, consider these important academic and institutional resourc

  1. American Psychological Association.Link: American Psychological Association

  2. National Institute of Mental HealthLink: National Institute of Mental Health

  3. Aggressive Behavior JournalLink: Aggressive Behavior Journal

  4. The World Health OrganizationLink: World Health Organization

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