Motivation to change is a critical factor without which progress toward well-being can be hindered right from the start.
The Role of Emotions in Motivation to Change
Emotions are powerful forces that bring people closer (e.g., affection, love). Recognizing and managing emotions—referred to as emotional competence—plays a crucial role in building and maintaining strong social networks.
It is intuitive that emotional competence enhances social support, which, in turn, boosts the intention to seek help. Social support mediates the relationship between emotional competence and the willingness to ask for help, illustrating how the ability to manage emotions can lead to improved connections and support systems.
Help-Seeking Behavior and Readiness for Change
While the willingness to ask for help is an important first step, actualizing this requires readiness and motivation for change.
Research by Prochaska and DiClemente explores individuals' readiness for change, categorizing them into:
Precontemplation: Unaware of the problem or unwilling to change.
Contemplation: Aware of the problem but undecided about change.
Action: Actively working to change behavior but not yet reaching their goal.
Maintenance: Sustaining changes and seeking support to prevent relapse.
These stages reflect varying attitudes toward change, underscoring the need to guide individuals to higher levels of readiness. Adolescents, driven by a desire for independence, often show greater resistance to change compared to adults. Understanding their unique dynamics is vital for effective interventions.
Research Findings
Studies show that seeking help can feel awkward or embarrassing, with individuals often underestimating the likelihood of their request being accepted (Flynn & Lake, 2008). Emotional competence emerges as a significant factor influencing help-seeking behavior.
Research by Ciarrochi et al. (2002) highlights that individuals with low emotional competence are less likely to seek help from formal (e.g., mental health professionals) and informal (e.g., friends, family) sources. Among adolescents, emotional competence is strongly associated with the intention to seek help, emphasizing the role of social support as a mediator.
The willingness to seek help depends on numerous factors, including emotional experiences, the ability to recognize and manage emotions, and a genuine motivation to change. These elements, intertwined with personal life experiences, shape our paths toward growth and well-being.
Written by
Dr Elizabeth Moore, Psychologist
(consultation only in Italian)
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Daniel Goleman, Intelligenza emotiva,1996,Edizioni Rizzoli
James O. Prochaska, John C. Norcross, Carlo C. DiClemente, Cambiare: Un programma rivoluzionario in sei fasi per eliminare le abitudini negative e migliorare la vita, 2008, Ed. Tecniche Nuove
Richard Lazarus, Susan Folkman, Stress, valutazione e gestione della vita quotidiana, 1999, Ed.Erickson
External resources
If you wish to explore the topic of psychological manipulation further and find relevant articles and studies, consider these important academic and institutional resour
World Health Organization (WHO)Offre linee guida sulla salute mentale e l'importanza di chiedere aiuto in caso di difficoltà.Link: World Health Organization
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)Fornisce risorse e informazioni su vari disturbi mentali e l'importanza di cercare supporto.Link: National Institute of Mental Health
American Psychological Association (APA)Propone articoli sul benessere mentale e l'importanza di chiedere aiuto, soprattutto durante periodi di stress.Link: American Psychological Association
Journal of Counseling PsychologyPubblica ricerche su pratiche di counseling e l'importanza di chiedere aiuto in situazioni difficili.Link: Journal of Counseling Psychology